[Roadsters] 1600 Cylinder Head height

Marty Escarcega escarcega at cox.net
Mon Mar 28 12:23:57 MST 2011

Does anyone know the factory thickness of the Cylinder head? Ours reads about 3.160". Reason I ask is that we had noise in our engine (1967 1600) that sounded like valves. We pulled the head and it was apparent someone removed the head before. Pistons have been hitting the bottom of the head, nice shiny spots on the pistons and the head. Also pistons in Cylinders #1&4 have damage indentations from the valves hitting them at one time (don't look fresh)

Do the factory domed pistons have reliefs for valves or no?

I am contemplating milling the area where the pistons are hitting the combustion chambers to gain the clearance back.
I surmise that perhaps someone did not adjust the valves correctly and damaged them when pistons hit them. They were bent, head was removed for a valve job and someone milled the head too much. (or a poor man's performance upgrade)

The other option I'm told is doubling the head gasket or I was told there was a copper shim made at one time for this problem.
Neither strike me too well. The downside to milling is I don't know how much meat is in that area of the head. I think removing .050" should be fine.

Any thoughts comments appreciated.


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