[Roadsters] gas tank issue 2000 roadster

Tom PRATHER tomet9 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 26 08:42:43 MDT 2011

Not sure if it relates but my son in law recently had the same issue on a 81
toyota truck which is basically an old school fuel system much like our
roadster and it turned out to be fuel lines reversed. On the road he lost a
fuel pump and a good samaritan stoped to help, once replaced, he was able to
drive normally for about 1/2 hour before it started starving and quit again.
He had a full tank to start and when the fuel level started to go down gas
couldn't be pulled from the vent line any longer and thus quit. Once he got
towed over to my place I found he had reversed the input/ output lines.

--- On Mon, 4/25/11, shas1983 at netzero.net <shas1983 at netzero.net> wrote:

From: shas1983 at netzero.net <shas1983 at netzero.net>
Subject: [Roadsters] gas tank issue 2000 roadster
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Date: Monday, April 25, 2011, 7:26 PM

Anyone had an experience in which the car stops drawing gas at about 1/2
I added a Datsun electric fuel pump a while back when I noticed the fuel
extremely low in the filter. I blew out the lines back to the tank with no
effort required. This did not help with the mechanical pump. After adding the
electric pump, the filter continually stayed full until I let the fuel level
in the tank drop just below half last weekend, The car began to stumble while
I was stopped. I checked under the hood and found the filter vitrually empty
of fuel. I got back home and added a small amount of fuel and the filter
immediately filled up.I believe the fuel vs. return lines are hooked
appropriately, as the car was driven at low fuel levels in the past. If
someone can confirm which port the feed line should attach to it would be
helpful.  The gauge is working correctly. Not sure if the tube could have
damaged inside the tank. I has the tank cleaned and sealed when restoring the
car a year or so ago. I checked the fittings and all appear tight. There is
not much more that I can think to check, so any ideas would be appreciated.

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