[Roadsters] Jimmy's Old Car Picnic Pictures

Fred Katz roadster at astound.net
Tue Oct 19 18:48:00 MDT 2010

Great pics by Alvin! I uploaded a brief video of excerpts of the car  
show, so you can get a taste of what it's like there. Like Alvin says,  
lots of muscle cars. I focused on a couple Camaros because I'm trying  
to get my neighbor to work on his car, garaged for over 30 years ('67  
Camaro SS).

Anyway, enjoy.


Fred - So.SF

On Oct 16, 2010, at 11:12 PM, alvin gogineni wrote:

> We had 3 roadsters(me, Fred and Annie, Eddie and Shari), Matt's 510  
> and
> Rob's Mazda RX-4 wagon in a sea of muscle cars.
> Full write-up with pics over at http://www.zcarblog.com
> ________________________________________

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