[Roadsters] Rebuild kitsfor mechanical fuel pump?

Graeme graemes at internode.on.net
Tue Oct 19 18:00:47 MDT 2010

 The larger diameter L20B mechanical fuel pump apparently is unique and I
haven't found any re-build kits available.
However the smaller diam. Pumps, same as that fitted to the Roadster, are
used on the L16,18 [and possibly the L6s] engines and re-build kits are
readily available.
However the original problem was with an ELECTRIC pump.
If the output of the pump is inadequate or the pressure regulator is cactus,
no option but to replace.
Fuel line positioning?
Because they could ;)

" Check 311, I think I read L20 kits work which includes diaphram and

"Is there such a animal? Been having fuel delivery and carb problems with
"The Orange Burst" since Amy bought it. It has a electric fuel pump at the
gas tank but it is not pumping enough fuel. Yes have gone through fuel
filters, blowing out lines, screens in carbs. It IS the fuel delivery.
Question: Why did Datsun run the fuel lines so close to the thermostat
housing and exhaust manifold?"

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