[Roadsters] POR-15 prep

E Scanlon escanlon at wa-net.com
Sun Oct 10 17:58:00 MDT 2010

I used some more of those cheap-o brushes to scrub the metal with both the
Marine Clean and the Metal Prep.  Probably another reason why I went the
brush route than the foam (although I had tried the foam brushes provided
with the POR kit AND some I bought at HF and both distintegrated).

Anyhow, using the brushes and a spray bottle with the diluted Marine Clean
(I used it 5 parts HOT Water to 1 part Marine Clean) I would spray till it
dripped then scrubbed until I got a good foam built up.  Then still using
the MC mix, I would "hose" it off and use the brush to scoot away the debris
/ foam.  Once I had scrubbed everything, I then hosed it down liberally (I
had removed the drain plugs AND I was doing this outside) until the water
ran clear.

Waited a couple of days to allow it to air dry and the heat (it was summer)
to evaporate the last of it.

The Metal Prep is reuseable to an extent.  A single application may drip a
lot of it off.  I used some wallpaper wetting troughs put under the same
drain holes as used for draining before, but this time to catch the run-off
Metal Prep.  Then using the cheap-o brushes and a glass bowl (don't use
metal), I kept "painting" the metal with the Metal Prep and kept it
constantly WET, not just damp for the 30 minutes it recommends for heavy
rust.  My thinking was that treating everything as if it were heavily rusted
at worst would waste 15 minutes of time per area.  I had spoken to the
distributor and he mentioned that you couldn't really OVER treat with the
Metal Prep, but you could UNDER treat.

I recovered the Metal Prep because I wanted to use it on many areas and a
one-time use doesn't weaken the solution.  (Storing or using in a metal
container does, however.)  You should see the metal band on a paint brush
when you get done applying Metal Prep.... it's oxidized black.

As far as masking or protecting the exterior, take precautions and use
plenty of drop-cloths in your entry/exit path and watch that you don't lean
on an exterior surface with POR on your hands.  (Small note, unprepared
paint surfaces will not allow the POR to grab.  You'll literally peel it off
like a cheap decal.  This also goes for most un-prepared metal surfaces that
are smooth, BUT if it's rusty or has been treated with the Metal Ready, it
WILL stick.


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