[Roadsters] POR-15
Pete Peters
ppeters914 at comcast.net
Fri Oct 8 17:02:19 MDT 2010
Seriously, how many people are gonna crawl under your car and exclaim "OMG!
There's hair in your POR-15!"
Pete "figures powder coat will last my lifetime."
-----Original Message-----
From: E Scanlon [mailto:escanlon at wa-net.com]
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2010 3:27 PM
To: Pete Peters; Datsun Roadster List
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] POR-15
Regarding the Foam Brushes:
The viscosity of the POR is such that after the first brush stroke you apply
with a new brush after that the foam tends to stick to the surface and
before long you are picking bits and pieces of the foam out of the paint. It
literally disintegrates the foam. Personally, I found it much easier to pick
out the occassional hair from the el-cheapo brushes than to try to fight the
bits and pieces of foam brush left on just about every brush stroke.
A quick hair removing tool you can make is simple: Take a piece of wire, not
too hard or stiff and using a utility knife cut and bend out little tangs
out of the general diameter of the wire on one end. Imagine that you are
creating barbs in the wire shank to prevent it's being pulled out of
something if you were to stab it into it. Then when you find a hair in your
paint, take your wire and place the barbed end over the hair, rotate the
wire just a bit and the barbs will grasp the hair... then pull the hair out.
Thankfully, POR does flow out rather nicely and if you catch the hair
quickly enough, you won't even notice where it was.
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