[Roadsters] Harbor Freight engine stand

Keith Downing keithddowning at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 7 19:32:40 MDT 2010

HF can be good for "dumb tools".  I think engine hoists and stands and hammers
and zip ties...  fall into that catagory.  I try to avoid buying anything that
needs to think or plug in.  I'm also not a big fan of buying stuff made in
China, but sometimes you just can't avoid it.

To: Datsun Roadster List <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thu, October
7, 2010 3:57:40 PM
Subject: [Roadsters] Harbor Freight engine stand

return a borrowed engine stand and buy my own.

Folks happy with Harbor
Freight, or should I go elsewhere? 


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