[Roadsters] '67-1/2 Door Escutcheon Plate Bumpers
Gary and Cindy Ault
aultgc at att.net
Sun Oct 3 14:52:03 MDT 2010
If I am not the only person out here (formerly) running a '67-1/2 car with
little rubber bumpers missing from the door handle escutcheon plates, I have
good news for you. Through a interesting coincidence of events, I happened
across some which look like they were made for the escutcheons at an Ace
Hardware store. They popped into the holes, and fit perfectly. Never having
seen originals, I cannot say if these are exactly the same, but the look right
and work right.
The store is not very convenient to me, so I don't go there often, but just
noticed they have an incredible array of specialty fasteners, fittings and
do-hickeys. Where most places have part of one aisle dedicated to Hillman (or
similar) products, this place has 1-1/2 aisles. I have never seen the
particular display in which I found the bumpers in any hardware store, and I
have looked through a lot of such displays.
Now, you may ask "Why, dummy, did you not note the manufacturer and part
number at the time?". To that I have no good answer, but, if anyone is
interested, I'll check this week. (I did note that the manufacturer is not a
name I recognized.) I am willing to purchase these items ($1.05 each -- 98
cents plus Indiana's 7 percent sales tax) and mail them to you for the
purchase price plus $1.00.
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