[Roadsters] Velocity Stacks

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Fri Mar 19 18:35:02 MST 2010

Paul wrote:
>   Mention OROC (Ohio Roadster Owner Club) and you'll get a good laugh from
> Ted.  Ted has been supplying us gear reduction starts at Sloan Racing.  And
> he always has some great Datsun t-shirts in stock.  Just be careful if he
> starts telling old racing stories.  He's even better at it than I am!

I've been to some of the Vintage Triumph Register conventions which Ted also
attended.  Once or twice or, well, never mind, he and I have ended up 
sitting in
a bar talking about racing.  Ted can talk.  And talk.  And talk.  Of 
course, I was
there too and, oh, never mind.


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