[Roadsters] 2000 break-in procedure

robert k. smith rksmith46 at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 7 19:54:06 MST 2010

  hi steve, ive rebuilt quite a few 2 liter U-20 eng. here are some of the
things i do. if you have a new cam and/or followers, dont let

 the eng. idle much for the first hour. keep the idle speed above

1500-1800 rpm. this helps break in the cam, and followers.

  when you first drive the car, dont run up to max. rpms(6000).  i   usually
try to drive with varying rpm, keeping the eng. between  2000-4000 rpms. dont
lug the eng.(ever!), and dont scream the

eng.(at least until 500 miles are past).

 another thing i do is, run the eng. rpm up to say,4000 rpm, in 2nd, and let
off the gas and let the eng. back down(no brakes) to about 2000 rpm.do this
quite a few times. this helps seat the rings.

  after 1,000 miles, i usually check/ adjust, the valves, and let

the eng. cool, and re torque the head bolts. i break each head

bolt loose,(just a little), and bring it back to proper torque

in one motion. also, at 1,000 miles, do the first oil chg.

  i usually start the motor with 10w-30 oil, and for the 3rd

oil chg., i put 20w-50 castrol, or 15-50 synthetic.

 just my experience, bob smith, ohio

> From: stebharvey at ameritech.net
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2010 18:09:36 -0600
> Subject: [Roadsters] 2000 break-in procedure
> I checked the 311s.org site for information on the proper method for
> breaking in a rebuilt 2000 engine but couldn't find anything. Anyone have
> information?
> Thanks
> Steve
> P.S. snow sucks!
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