[Roadsters] New movie features lead driving a ... and Roadster short stories

datsundawg at sc.rr.com datsundawg at sc.rr.com
Sun Feb 21 05:06:54 MST 2010

Lancelot Link drove a Datsun Roadster.   You can search on YouTube and see past episodes.  I had a picture of Lancelot and his Roadster as my screensaver on my Government laptop.  I was in the middle of an executive presentation and my laptop timed out and went to the screensaver picture............plenty of laughs.  Funny thing was that everyone knew who Lancelot Link was.  They now know a little history about the Datsun Roadster as well  :>) 

David (Here is a short history of all my cars for laughs) Chapman

66 1600 (Bought on E-bay about 4 years ago and flew to CA with Mike Harper and drove it back to SC in 3 1/2 days.  The friendship was tested more than the car  :>)  For those of you who know Cali, I swear she will be painted by the Mitty this year)
67.5 1600 (A complete rust bucket and the guy told me it was a 66 over the phone. Told my wife I needed parts off of it when I bought it and would get rid of it immediately..........fast forward 3 years - the extra parts that come off another parts car that you get with any parts car you buy were from a 66 but........ the car is a 67.5 and has a title!!!)
70 1600 (Great car and completely disassembled for a frame off restoration...bought it that way 5 years ago but need to get the 66 painted first PS: I have bought the new ball joints and have one of the front suspensions apart just about fixin to get ready to get going on it!! If only I could break away from working on the 66)
And now the rest of the story...............I bought a new house in Columbia, SC about a year ago and haven't sold or rented my other house yet.  It has a detached garage and if I were to get rid of it, where would I put all of my extra Roadster cars and parts???
Other parts - plenty of engines, trannys, and just about anything else almost good enough to use but not quite but I hate to get rid of them in case I might be able to use something sometime in the future..........which has happened a lot. 

I think I am the equivalent of a Roadster slum lord. Anyone else have any similar short stories?

---- Fran Rohde <franrohde at earthlink.net> wrote: 
> In the 60's there was a goofy show (Lancelot Link) with chimps and I think it
> was a datsun or sunbeam they drove.
>  Fran R.
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