[Roadsters] clutch replacement part list

Pat Horne pat at hornesystemstx.com
Sat Dec 18 09:57:59 MST 2010


I'd replace the throwout bearing, even if it doesn't make noise. Check 
the springs that hold the throwout bearing in place to see if they are 
worn. I'd also replace the pilot bearing in the end of the crankshaft.

Since the trans and engine need to come out to replace the clutch, I'd 
check as much stuff as possible before I pull everything out.

The transmission counter shaft bearings in the 4 speed are known to be a 
weak link, but I don't know if the 5 speed has the same problem. If they 
do, it can be checked by dropping the bottom cover on the trans and 
trying to move the cluster gear up, down and sideways. If there is any 
movement the bearings and shaft need to be replaced. This repair is not 
a job for a novice, but not too time consuming for someone who knows 
transmissions. The nut on 5th gear that allows for "5th gear neutral" 
also comes to mind. I've never bee into a 5 speed, but you may be able 
to see whether it has been welded with the bottom cover off. 2L folks 
will have to chime in on this one. If there is a freeze plug on the back 
of the engine block it should also be replaced.

Basically, anything that doesn't cost much to do that is not possible to 
do with the drive train in the vehicle is a good candidate for 
replacement, or at least inspection while it is out of the vehicle.

By doing as much checking as possible before pulling the drive train you 
will have more time to find parts and get them on hand before you do 
pull it.

Good luck.


Thusly spake Tim, On 12/18/2010 10:37 AM:
> I will be replacing the clutch on my 70 2000 this spring. What parts should I replace "while I am there" doing the clutch? Throw out bearing comes to mind (current one howls like crazy), what about the rubber boot? Anything else small that a novice like me would over look?
> Thanks
> Tim
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems
(512) 797-7501 Voice		5026 FM 2001
Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com	Lockhart, TX 78644-4443
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