[Roadsters] Trying to decide on an oil

Urias McCullough umccullough at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 17:02:57 MDT 2010

On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Stephen E. Webber
<sewebberlaw at gmail.com> wrote:
> My 93 Ford Explorer has over 280,000 miles on it. Gets over 3000 miles per
> quart, often 5000 miles depending on driving.  I have used whatever the
> local parts store has on sale, Exxon, Shell, Castrol, Vasoline, etc.

Eh, my 95 Nissan Maxima gets no love from me - 300k miles, I use
Valvoline 10-30W and sometimes waits 20k miles between changes (I
don't take care of that car). Only engine issue I've ever had was a
failed injector, completely unrelated.

If you're looking for oil with ZDDP additive, I hear Mobil 1 15-40W
still has it, but I haven't done my research.

- Urias

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