[Roadsters] Steering box adjustment question...

Eddie eddietude at socal.rr.com
Sun May 31 02:30:50 MDT 2009

Ok, here's another question for the guru's..

I noticed that the top of my steering box, right next to the oil filler 
plug, is a nut on a shaft that has a slot for a screwdriver.  Is this an 
adjustment to remove "play" in the gearbox?

My box has about 1.5" of play in it.

My 1974 Toyota Celica I had when I was a kid had a similar looking 
screw.  If the gearbox had play in it, you loosened the nut, turned the 
screw clockwise just until it stopped, and that would remove the play in 
the wheel. 

Before I did that, i wanted to check and see if the roadster gearbox was 
similar.  If not, what is that for on the gearbox?

Thanks all...


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