[Roadsters] Beep Beep! (More Random Noise)

Gary Callahan gcallahan at prodigy.net
Sat May 30 11:13:05 MDT 2009

While on the subject other vehicles I just thought I'd toss this out.  While I
have been unemployed I have done some temp work for a company that processes
Hyundai cars at the Port of Portland.  We move the cars about through various
stations so they can be readied for the dealerships across the country.  One
of the models that I found to be really exceptional was the Elantra Touring
(http://www.hyundaiusa.com/vehicle/ElantraTouring/Elantra_Touring.aspx).  This
car is sporty, nimble, attractive, small but roomy, and affordable.  Check it
out!  I think some of you might like it.  It is much more stylish and sporty
than a mini-van; but, still very functional to haul the kids and their gear
That is the end of my "off topic" banter for now.

Gary Callahan
Beaverton, Oregon
1968 Datsun 1600 "Fairlady" Roadster

--- On Sat, 5/30/09, Walter Peterson <Walter.Peterson at cox.net> wrote:

From: Walter Peterson <Walter.Peterson at cox.net>
Subject: [Roadsters] Beep Beep! (Random noise)
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Date: Saturday, May 30, 2009, 8:46 AM

I drove a friends BMW 540i wagon the other day. What a rocket!
We might replace my wife's Caravan with it.

Walter Peterson
Santa Barbara Ca, 93109
Street driven race motor
2000 3-Main(R) Solexes,cam etc.
5-Speed & LSD.
You are subscribed as gcallahan at prodigy.net

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