[Roadsters] Kluge brakelight switch

Gary McCormick gkmcc at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 8 08:48:48 MDT 2009

Another option is a mercury switch, which will sense deceleration and activate the brakelights. ;^)

(I remember reading that Mark Donahue used this setup on his Trans-Am Camaros to fake out a driver behind him that he was getting on the brakes, so the other driver would then slow down.)

Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA

--- On Fri, 5/8/09, Bubba <bubwin at mts.net> wrote:
From: Bubba <bubwin at mts.net>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Kluge brakelight switch
To: "Daryl Smith" <drlsmith at dccnet.com>, "O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS)" <Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com>, datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Date: Friday, May 8, 2009, 7:35 AM

You could always mount a whisker switch under the dash, with the whisker 
against the brake pedal arm, so pressing the pedal removes the tension and 
activates the lights.

I used to use them on Bucket Trucks (Phone Company) to light a warning light 
on the dash to tell the driver the boom was not stored properly, so they 
wouldn't drive away and hit something.

We got the switches through a local supply store that sold stuff from 
Cole-Hersee.  They also have pressure switches.

 Catalog   http://www.colehersee.com/catalog_top/index.htm
Whisker Switch Part No: 8487
Pressure Switch Part No's  8626, 8628, 8629, 8631, 8638, 8649,

Good Luck


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daryl Smith" <drlsmith at dccnet.com>
To: "O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS)" <Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com>; 
<datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Kluge brakelight switch

> It's either that or rewire for a switch attached to the brake pedal
> the newer cars which is easier to obtain!
> Daryl
> From: "O'Farrell, Fergus P (AS)"
<Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com>
> Subject: [Roadsters] Kluge brakelight switch
>> << I can't drive without brakelights.......>>
>> I found myself in the same predicament, and after a long layoff just
>> to go on the upcoming roadster run.
>> I got a doorbell from Radio Shack, put 2 long leads on it, connect one
>> to power, the other to one of the two leads that plug into the brake
>> light switch, and activated it with the doorbell switch which I sat
>> to the shifter.
>> Busy drive thru traffic, one handed steering, shift / brake lites with
>> the other hand.
>> Then went home and got to fixing the problem.....
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