[Roadsters] What the...? part duex

Ed Mitchell edmitche at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 13:15:23 MST 2009

KK...Put the pic on my Webshots page...1st Slide...shot # 1

Sorry...didn't know we could attach pic's...

I was wondering what the Att*.txt was  :/

Might anyone know what these are?  And where they go?  I got them
Chromed...(I think they were originally) (Dunno...but Obviously I have

But any clue?

Thanks for any and all help\recommendations

Ed Mitchell
Las Cruces, NM
1967.5 Datsun Roadster 1600 - SPL311-12761 http://www.ziaroc.com/
http://rides.webshots.com/album/559322539UXctqG    <--Dead Betty  : )


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