[Roadsters] identifying a posi rear question

chalsted at comcast.net chalsted at comcast.net
Fri Jun 19 08:52:54 MDT 2009

ok, I know it's been covered before but...

if I jack up the rear andB turnB the driveshaft and both wheels turn the same
direction it should be a posi rear, right?B  I have B one up on a jack right
now and it does that....tried another one and if I turn the driveshaft the
wheels turn in opposite directionsB th e one up on jackstands that they turn
the sameB B  dire ction, if I turn one wheel even though they turn the same
way off the driveshaft, they turn opposite directions when turning the
wheel.B  I've been checking over the years by turning one wheelB to see if the
other one goes the same direction or not... maybe I have more posi rears B 
than I realized ..:-) this one has under 30k miles on it, will be for sale...
if anyone is interested in buying it, not cheap, contact me off list. I
planB to go ahead and pull it but it's hot, humid, and buggy out there right
now. maybe an early morning job then it's just the bugs to deal with...



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