[Roadsters] Shasta lodging

Pete Peters ppeters914 at comcast.net
Thu Jun 18 13:39:28 MDT 2009

Didn't someone mention cheap camping nearby? 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom @ Datsun2000" <tom at datsun2000.com> 
To: "Datsun-Roadsters at Autox. Team. Net" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>, "John F Sandhoff" <sandhoff at csus.edu> 
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 12:20:35 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Shasta lodging 


I can't let you get away with taking the ugly duckling award away from me 
:'). Maybe I won't take the time to clean up some of the body work and 
primer on Mr. Hyde before the show...... And I just finished installing the 
water filter in my air line a few minutes ago so I could start using a spray 
gun instead of rattle cans. 

Actually I hope to see more cars like ours this year. So many owners want 
to come to Shasta, but they are afraid to put their cars out next to the 
cars that once looked like theirs, or worse, so they stay home and look 
forward to the day when they can go to Shasta. I have been complimented for 
being willing to bring Mr. Hyde before he is finished, but at the rate I am 
going I would never get to Shasta otherwise. 

If you look at the calendar page on nowroc.org you will find a fairly 
complete listing of the motels in the Shasta area. The host motel is marked 
in bold lettering for those who want to stay at the host motel. 

69 2000 - Mr. Hyde 

On 6/18/2009 9:23:36 AM, John F Sandhoff (sandhoff at csus.edu) wrote: 
> I 
> haven't made it to the Shasta get-together for a couple of years, 
> but I'm 
> hoping to this year. Word of warning: 
> I'm absolutely guaranteed 
> to take home the ugly duckling award this year - white, black and red, 
> but the red isn't 
> paint :-( I doubt the other owners will even allow me 
> in the park Saturday morning... 
> Anyways, with the past drama concerning the Mountain Air and 
> Strawberry Inn, where are people congregating now? Where are the 
> Canadians staying? Has Gerardo arranged a Roadster rate like he 
> did a few years ago? 
> Thanks, 
> -- John 
> John F Sandhoff sandhoff at csus.edu Sacramento, CA 
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