[Roadsters] Shasta lodging

John F Sandhoff sandhoff at csus.edu
Thu Jun 18 10:23:36 MDT 2009

I haven't made it to the Shasta get-together for a couple of years,
but I'm hoping to this year. Word of warning: I'm absolutely guaranteed
to take home the ugly duckling award this year - white, black and red,
but the red isn't paint :-(  I doubt the other owners will even allow me
in the park Saturday morning...

Anyways, with the past drama concerning the Mountain Air and
Strawberry Inn, where are people congregating now? Where are the
Canadians staying? Has Gerardo arranged a Roadster rate like he
did a few years ago?


-- John
     John F Sandhoff   sandhoff at csus.edu   Sacramento, CA

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