[Roadsters] The Datsun Roadster Book
Dave Cooke
cookefam314 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 22:16:41 MDT 2009
ok, I'm in for a set... just bought it.
-Dave Cooke
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:27 PM, E Scanlon <escanlon at wa-net.com> wrote:
> The "only" thing that might be better.... would be a Factory Shop
> Manual.... except that the Datsun Roadster Book covers so much more and even
> EXPLAINS why/what/where, so it might not really be better.
> If you don't already own the DRB.... any wonder you find yourself asking
> some very simple questions?
> Heck, it even includes the Car's Owner Manuals... the FSM doesn't.
> So forget the limitations on promoting the book, this is one of those
> manuals that is a DEFINITE MUST HAVE.
> Scott, as a body man in my prior lives, my only wish is that if there is a
> "future" edition... add a section on the Interior disassembly/ re-assembly.
> Enrique Scanlon
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Scott Sheeler" <
> poontang188 at hotmail.com>
> To: "Roadster List" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 11:03 AM
> Subject: [Roadsters] The Datsun Roadster Book
> I try not to use the List as a means of promotion but:
>> Commericial sales of The Datsun Roadster Book have been very good in the
>> past
>> year thanks to Dean, Ross and Gerardo. So good, in fact, that we find
>> ourselves down to the last 50 sets of books. We presently do not have any
>> plans to run a third edition of the books due to high printing costs and
>> the
>> low press run. Based on past sales the market would not bear a price
>> increase.
>> If you are interested in getting a set, pls visit our website at the link
>> below. You can also contact the vendors noted above - they generally have
>> our
>> books in stock. As it stands now, when they're gone, they're gone.
>> Priority
>> Mail shipping with Delivery Confirmation is still included in the $88.88
>> price.
>> Thanks to all who have purchased our books over the last three years. It's
>> been a pleasure renewing some very old acquaintances from the "old parts
>> days".
>> Sorry for the intrusion for those not interested.
>> Scott Sheeler
>> http://thedatsunroadsterbook.com/
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