[Roadsters] Two quick questions

Gary and Cindy Ault aultgc at att.net
Fri Jul 31 23:42:55 MDT 2009


Nissan lists five different fuel caps for the roadster, and two different 
filler tubes.

The essential difference is the later caps and filler tubes were for cars 
with evaporative emissions control and were sealed.  The caps for the 
earlier cars were vented.  Other differences were cosmetic.

Rallye shows one cap for vented tanks and two for non-vented tanks, with the 
only difference between the two sealed caps being the finish.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Harper" <roadsterdude1600 at yahoo.com>
To: "datsun-roadsters: autox.team.net" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>; 
"oliver" <sumton at sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Two quick questions

> There should be no didderence in early and late gas caps.
> Mike Harper,
> --- On Fri, 7/31/09, oliver <sumton at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> From: oliver <sumton at sbcglobal.net>
>> Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Two quick questions
>> To: "datsun-roadsters: autox.team.net" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
>> Date: Friday, July 31, 2009, 4:59 PM
>> http://www.ranteer.com/davescars/datsun/DatsunFuelCap.jpg
>> will fit a low windshield car.
>> anyone - is that the same as the later cars???
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tim" <tputland at charter.net>
>> To: "datsun-roadsters: autox.team.net" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
>> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 12:20 PM
>> Subject: [Roadsters] Two quick questions
>> > Does any one know what gas cap I can go buy to use on
>> a 70 1600? Until I replace the filler neck, my extra chrome
>> caps don't fit tight enough to stay on.
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