[Roadsters] bondo surprise

Fred Katz roadster at astound.net
Fri Jul 31 22:16:35 MDT 2009

In the early 1970s I flared the fender wells on my 68 2000. I laid  
down epoxy with fiberglass sheets, and bondo on top of the epoxy. 30  
years later I pulled off the bondo and epoxy and the metal is as clean  
as when I coated it with the epoxy.

Fred - So.SF

On Jul 31, 2009, at 6:47 AM, Richard Schnoor wrote:

> I agree bondo sucks.Although I've been told that the "new"  
> generation of bondo  doesn't absorb water by body people. But seeing  
> that It's still made out of the same stuff (polyester resin &  
> sawdust) as the bondo I had used 25 years ago I think that all they  
> are trying to do is allay my fears until the check clears. Due to my  
> hatred for bondo I migrated to epoxy mixed with glass micro spheres  
> which is harder to work & more expensive but I do have areas of my  
> roadsters where the paint has peeled away & the epoxy is still there  
> with no bubbling or rusting below it after 25 years outside in humid  
> Florida.
> -- 
> Richard Schnoor P.E.

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