[Roadsters] time estimate for removing windshield frame, dash pad and dash (early flat dash)
Chris & Christy Breyer
fairlady66 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 16:09:16 MDT 2009
I agree with Paul. I was told that removing the seats is best when
removing/replacing the Windshield. I thought, dang those are long bolts if
removing the seats help getting the Windshield frame off. Well I am 6'1" and
back then I was 245Lbs, after banging my head, cutting my arms, and bending
my back in un-natural ways I realized that I need to either learn Yoga fast
or take the seats out. So I took the seats out. WOW! What a difference it
made. It made life so easy that now I remove the seats when I rotate the
tires too. Just kidding, but it really does make life a little nicer when
you are removing the Windshield.
On 7/22/09, Paul Bauman <plhbauman at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. There's work you can do on a
> roadster that doesn't involve gotchas??
> Seriously though, Daryl's idea of removing the seat (or seats) is a
> pretty good solution. For an electrical scavenger hunt, I would probably
> remove the radio console and the steering wheel as well. Also, make sure
> the dash has got a good ground connection to the body someplace. The
> gauges ground through the metal on the back of the dash.
> Before anything, you'll probably want to check the instrument relay
> attached to side of the steering column support. It feeds the gas and
> temp gauges.
> Paul Bauman
> Westminster, CA
> 67 1600 (currently headless)
> On Wed, 2009-07-22 at 18:09 +0000, Pete Peters wrote:
> > Now I see why folks don't like to search the mailing list; you have to
> search each individual month (tedious), and the archives only go back to
> 2007. Anyways.....
> >
> > 1966 1600
> >
> > Trying to confirm whether engine is actually overheating or if gauge is
> not working properly. I suspect the latter, and need to correct the
> "creative" PO wiring on water temp and gas gauges. Reaching up under and
> behind the dash a bit frustrating, so thinking I need to bite the bullet and
> remove the windshield frame (4 bolts & 2 nuts, right?), dash pad (4 nuts?),
> and dash (???).
> >
> > What's a reasonable time to accomplish this? Any gotchas?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Pete
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'66 1600
Riverside, CA
This is my second Fairlady...I'm married to the first one.
If you are lucky enough to stand next to a Roadster, then you are lucky
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