[Roadsters] Passenger Brake Light

Hoon Kim hoonhkim at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 22:46:28 MDT 2009

Sorry. The mail got sent prematurely. Anyways. I've checked the switch  
by the firewall and that is not the case.
I am getting into the electrical system green though I thought that my  
voltage regulator got fried due to a totally rusted out turn signal.  
I've since replace it and now my turn signals work whereas they only  
worked when the lights were off. Ive checked the groud as well and  
they seemed to be fine.
I guess the next step is to get a voltage reader and go wire by wire.  
And to check out the charging system though I too think that they are  

- Hoon Kim

On Jul 16, 2009, at 8:19 PM, "Gary and Cindy Ault" <aultgc at att.net>  

> Hoon,
> I presume you figured out why the regulator "fried" before replacing  
> it.  If you're not experienced with electrical systems, you should  
> have the charging system checked by a professional, to see if there  
> are any weaknesses which need to be corrected.  Most repair shops  
> can test the charging system for you.
> I don't think the two problems are related.
> As to the brake lights, in the early cars, both brake lights are fed  
> from a single wire which runs along the left frame rail.  If your  
> left light works at all, but the right side does not, the problem  
> has to be in the wiring at the back of the car between the left side  
> light and the right side light. Be sure to check the ground wire  
> which connects the rear harness -- under the body behind the trunk  
> -- to the frame near the license lamp. (It is called "Side Rail  
> Earth" on the wiring diagram, but I believe the connection is on the  
> back of the body.)
> Gary
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Hoon Kim" <hoonhkim at gmail.com>
> To: "Roadster mailist" <datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:40 PM
> Subject: [Roadsters] Passenger Brake Light
>> Hello wise roadster list,
>> I'm trying to track down an electrical problem and I figured I  
>> would ask the
>> masses. A few days ago my voltage regulator fried. The inside of the
>> regulator look good but the wires underneath got all gooey. I have  
>> since
>> replaced the regulator but I've noticed that my passenger brake  
>> light does
>> not work. Furthermore, when I have the lights on I can't tell if  
>> even my
>> driver's side brake lights work. I know that it is not the bulbs  
>> since they
>> light up when I turn on the lights, but I can't get it to go. I've  
>> checked
>> the connections by the brake switch and they seem to be fine as is  
>> the
>> connection to the brake lights. How would I even track down the  
>> inherent
>> problem. I have an early 67 1600.
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Hoon
>> hoonhkim at gmail.com
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