[Roadsters] Lower ball joints

L J ljordan704 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 10 09:28:51 MDT 2009

Hi Jim,Lower ball joints are available thru vendors for OEM. The aftermarket
ones that were recently made are available direct from Rareparts, at
rareparts.com the manufacturer, or your local auto parts store ordering from
Rareparts. The 311 site in the WIKI section, under Parts Interchange shows the
part number, which I don't know off hand. I am biased towards this part since
I was involved in getting them made and I have all the specs and testing on
them, plus they are greasable, and are based on the early, full-ball ball
joint from Nissan as opposed to the later 1/2 ball part. I believe them to be
better than OEM( better machining, quality control etc) and haven't had any
problems with them and only a few returns due to the buyer not being able to
use them. The fact that Rareparts sells them is a powerful selling point for
many since they are a good company, and that is their whole business.Those
early faithful got a smokin' deal tooHope that helps. Any other questions
please feel free to email.Linda

> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2009 23:20:27 -0400
> From: james at jdfogg.com
> To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Roadsters] Lower ball joints
> I recall an effort among the list members to have Roadster ball joints
> manufactured.
> A friend needs some lower ball joints, does anyone have any available and
> for how much?
> Offlist would be fine, james at jdfogg.com.
> Thanks.
> --
> James -
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