[Roadsters] Lucas Electrics

Gregory S. Morrison gsm at gregorysmorrison.com
Thu Jan 29 16:27:37 MST 2009

On 1/29/09 3:03 PM, "Schlegel, Richard" <RSCHLEGEL at OCSD.COM> wrote:

> Funny how we Americans can bash English cars and parts while our own Big 3
> couldn't make a good car if their jobs depended on it! :-)

If Detroit had paid closer attention to what Nissan and Toyota (Honda, etc)
were doing in the 1960s they might not be in the mess they're in today...and
every other day wherein fuel prices and austerity have taken front and

And I will also add that based on my research back in the day of all the
attainable roadsters, the Datsun Roadster (1600 or 2000) came out on the top
of the list every time. No insult to English, Italian or other roadsters,
but it was undeniable on multiple points. Sure, many may think an
Austin-Healey looks nicer or is more valuable (maybe on the former,
definitely as to the latter), but a Datsun Roadster is a better car dollar
for dollar and pound for pound.

Thanks for letting me air that out. I'll get back to work now.


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