[Roadsters] OT: oil light

Mitch Planck mitch at brooks-planck.org
Mon Jan 5 07:07:36 MST 2009

Hi all,
This is a bit off topic but since there are a lot of car gurus here I
thought I'd ask.
We've got a '95 Camry with 222k on it and the oil light started coming on. I
know this car burns/leaks oil so I regularly have to add it and I thought it
was just lower than normal. When I checked it it was only down by half a
quart, kind of odd since that didn't happen in the past unless it was down
by much more. Anyways, I was driving the car yesterday and the light came on
again. I was about 5 miles from my destination, got off the highway, noticed
an odd smell, not strong, but like burning oil, and hoped it was because I
was behind a semi. I turned onto the next road, going around 50 and put it
in neutral just cause I was starting to get worried and noticed the engine
was idling roughly at around 500rpm, not typical for this car. Next, all the
warning lights came on and the engine stopped. Since I had it in neutral I
continued to coast until I could pull over. I had it towed to a service
station and I have yet to hear from them.
I don't know how the oil pump works on this car but I was thinking either
that failed or that an oil passageway got clogged causing oil starvation and
probably caused enough resistance while I had it in neutral to cause the
engine to stall out. There is probably further damage, like a bearing or
something fun like that. I did try to start it before the tow truck got
there and it did start right up so I know it's not totally frozen up.
Also, this car was totalled out by our insurance a few months back due to
being hit in a parking lot. We kept the salvage title and had just got a new
set of tires at the end of Novemeber too. Book value is now about $425 plus
$300 in tires. We've been trying to keep from having to borrow to get
another car (we're Dave Ramsey disciples) but I think we may have to fall
off the wagon on this one and go get a loan with a car attached to it. I
guess it's our turn to 'support the economy.'
So, my question is this, what can cause this oil light issue, how bad could
the engine be, how much would that cost to fix, and then, how do I sell the
car to a salvage yard and get some money for the tires I just put on this
old stinker?
Thanks in advance,
Mitch Planck
'69 1600
'70 1600

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