[Roadsters] OT: Living room speakers and speaker wire
eddietude at socal.rr.com
Sun Jan 4 13:49:47 MST 2009
I beg to disagree.
thicker wires will have less signal loss, less interference, and will
result in better sound quality coming from your speakers.
Running cheap wires will adversely affect sound quality. Now, if you've
got cheap ass speakers, then it's not an issue, but what if later you
want better speakers? the walls are open. Spend a few bucks and run
decent wires.
Oh, and the speakers you should have for a decent home theatre system
are as follows:
Left front
Right front
Center channel
Left Rear
Right rear.
Just an FYI.
> JW
> On Jan 3, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Pete Peters wrote:
>> Currently have the living room gutted, and had one of those "while
>> we're at
>> it" thoughts.
>> We're moving the TV downstairs to the family room, but plan to leave a
>> decent stereo upstairs. I figured running speaker wires inside the
>> framing
>> and maybe using in-wall speakers would be cleaner. This is just a
>> stereo,
>> not some humongous home entertainment system. I figure left, right and,
>> hopefully, a subwoofer.
>> My stereo knowledge is from the 70's. Did some Googling, but
>> everything is
>> geared to BIGGER! BIGGER! BIGGER! With 40 gazillion features and crap
>> that
>> cost "only" hundreds of dollars.
>> Haven't talked to any of the local shops yet.
>> Can anyone offer some basic advice and/or point me in the right
>> direction?
>> Offlist, of course.
>> Thanks.
>> Pete "you can work on the cars when the living room is done"
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