[Roadsters] Help with what goes where through the firewall
ljordan704 at netscape.net
ljordan704 at netscape.net
Sat Jan 3 11:08:40 MST 2009
If you can get to Alvin's webshots site he has a ton of pics of engine bays. Also 311 has some photos too.
Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Oakes <boakes at gmail.com>
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Sent: Sat, 3 Jan 2009 7:42 am
Subject: [Roadsters] Help with what goes where through the firewall
Hi all,
Starting to make a little progress on the '68 SRL2000. Now maybe doing a
two-steps-forward-and-one-step-back, instead of the opposite.
Anyway, here's today's stopper - the dash is back together with the new
cover, most of the wiring makes sense, and even with several parts books and
info from 311s.org I'm still not sure what wires and hoses go through which
firewall openings.
Does anyone have photos, diagrams, or can you look at my pix and tell me
what goes where? The one i'm really stumped on is the hard line that goes
from the oil gauge, through the firewall and then??? I got this car already
mostly apart so I don't have much for references.
Man, I'm really starting to think harder about finding a '68 parts car just
to use for reference...
Thanks! Happy New Year!! This thing will be on the road by Spring, even if I
have to put a lawn mower engine in it.
Bill Oakes
Libertyville, IL
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Jan 3, 2009
by *Bill*
Firewall pix of '68 SRL2000 - what goes where?
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