[Roadsters] Second Posting
robert k. smith
rksmith46 at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 29 21:03:29 MDT 2009
hi frank, i just rebuilt a frozen engine, and the key to getting it free
is to remove the crank shaft, so you can work on each piston
by itself.(soak w/ penetrating oil for days, then use a cut down
2X4 piece of wood, and at least a 2 lb. hammer) if you dont remove
the crank shaft, you are trying to move all 4 stuck pistons at the
same time. btw, i was able to re use the stock pistons, and just
hone the cyls.(a lot). a .020 over bore and new pistons are nice
if your budget allows. good luck, bob smith, ohio
> Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 11:03:33 -0500
> From: Frank.L.May at umsl.edu
> To: barterdude at comcast.net; datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Subject: [Roadsters] Second Posting
> My '69 2000 has been sitting since about 1974 when the motor was last
> over. I've talked with a machinist about tearing it down and restoring. I
> put a wrench on the vibration damper nut and tried to turn, but it's stuck.
> Any thoughts on how to get it unstuck without first pulling the head? I've
> shot lots of oil/WD40/carb cleaner into the spark plug sockets, but without
> results so far.
> Frank May
> SRL311-12936
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