[Roadsters] Second Posting

E Scanlon escanlon at wa-net.com
Tue Aug 25 13:37:39 MDT 2009

When my mechanic replaced an engine into one of my Z's, the engine was 
"sticky" and would NOT turn over at all.

He injected some ATF into each of the cylinders and let it sit for a couple 
of days. Then with a 1/2" ratchet and socket on the main crank nut, he tried 
to turn the engine over in one direction, then the other.  He'd do this 
several times, then would push it in one direction and let it sit.  This 
went on for a couple of days and slowly but surely he got the engine to 
begin turning over.

The end result is that he was able to finally get the engine to turn over 
completely with the ratchet.  He mounted the engine and electricals and 
started her right up.

I'm not sure if there was any scoring or damage to the engine, but it 
doesn't burn oil, nor other problems.

It might not be the "perfect" fix, but a complete engine swap for $500 
ending up with a running car, can't be beat.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "May, Frank" <
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 9:03 AM
Subject: [Roadsters] Second Posting

> My '69 2000 has been sitting since about 1974 when the motor was last 
> turned
> over.  I've talked with a machinist about tearing it down and restoring. 
> I
> put a wrench on the vibration damper nut and tried to turn, but it's 
> stuck.
> Any thoughts on how to get it unstuck without first pulling the head? 
> I've
> shot lots of oil/WD40/carb cleaner into the spark plug sockets, but 
> without
> results so far.
> Frank May
> SRL311-12936

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