[Roadsters] Second Posting
Jim Gammon
gtpjimgammon at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 25 11:44:41 MDT 2009
The pistons are likely frozen in the cylinders. Even if you got it free, the
rings will likely be shot (frozen) and never seal properly. There may be more
damage also. Rust on cylinder walls is bad news. With a lot of luck, you may
be able to just replace the rings and "break the ridge" with a light hone and
a hand held power drill.
But allow it to sit with kroil, kerosene, liquid wrench or whatever in it, and
If you pull the head, tap on the piston tops, but don't crack them. I'd use a
hard rubber or wooden block to keep the contact spread out, the pistons may
crack from a hammer blow. Mine came loose, but the bores were lousy.
Many other problems can be present, mine had gotten some water (a few drops)
into a bearing and I had to not only bore out the engine .020, but regrind the
crank. When I was done, I had spent over $2,500 on the engine alone, and did
almost all the work myself. I don't have the equipment of an engine shop, but
I can swing a wrench. I even put in all new valves, valve guides and seals,
main bearings and jackshaft bearings and pistons. The con rods were OK. It is
practically a new engine.
God, but I was relieved when it ran right, finally, I was worried I may have
done some little thing wrong....
Whatever you do, don't use a half-assed carb rebuild shop, I made that mistake
and it cost me 3 months. Use Keith, on this list, or Z Therapy (Keith is
cheaper, I learned too late....)
But she runs like new now.
NJ 2k '69
--- On Tue, 8/25/09, May, Frank <Frank.L.May at umsl.edu> wrote:
From: May, Frank <Frank.L.May at umsl.edu>
Subject: [Roadsters] Second Posting
To: barterdude at comcast.net, "Datsun roadster"
<datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net>
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 12:03 PM
My '69 2000 has been sitting since about 1974 when the motor was last turned
over. I've talked with a machinist about tearing it down and restoring. I
put a wrench on the vibration damper nut and tried to turn, but it's stuck.
Any thoughts on how to get it unstuck without first pulling the head? I've
shot lots of oil/WD40/carb cleaner into the spark plug sockets, but without
results so far.
Frank May
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