[Roadsters] Second Posting

Pat Horne pjhorne at mail.utexas.edu
Tue Aug 25 10:13:43 MDT 2009

Diesel oil, or Kroil. Then let it sit for a few weeks. Using a block of 
wood you might try introducing some vibrations into the block by the 
cylinders. I doubt heat would be possible, since there is a water jacket 
in that area.

 When you try to turn the dampener bolt, try going both directions. Even 
a little movement will help.

Good luck.


Thusly spake May, Frank, On 8/25/2009 11:03 AM:
> My '69 2000 has been sitting since about 1974 when the motor was last turned
> over.  I've talked with a machinist about tearing it down and restoring.  I
> put a wrench on the vibration damper nut and tried to turn, but it's stuck.
> Any thoughts on how to get it unstuck without first pulling the head?  I've
> shot lots of oil/WD40/carb cleaner into the spark plug sockets, but without
> results so far.
> Frank May
> SRL311-12936
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