[Roadsters] repost request

Ed Mitchell edmitche at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 17:26:14 MDT 2009

Hi All,


I'm looking for a Window Sales Sticker for a Datsun roadster  - 60's era


If it's just a picture.or some sort of visual.


I'd like to reproduce and aged one for my car.1967.5 Roadster 1600


But I need something to go by


I pitched this out earlier...and got a response from someone who thought
they had one.but never got a further response


Found this on the web. (gotta luv google)


But I want to make this.so I can get it as authentic as possible.(and only
You and I will know I'm a sticker fraud)  : )


But I'm looking for true authenticity.and would like a vintage look I can
create myself.maybe drop in a few Japanese fonts   : )  wrinkle it up a
bit.pour some coffee on it to age it.etc


I'm hoping to go for my first entered show in October -



Any ideas or examples would be greatly appreciated


Oh.Got dead betty back up and running after the Coil Explosion.and got her
up to 110mph.totally clenched and puckered.but she did it - woo hoo  : )




Thanks all


Ed Mitchell

Las Cruces, NM

1967.5 Datsun Roadster 1600 - SPL311-12761


http://www.ziaroc.com/   <--8 member strong  WOOT!  : )


http://rides.webshots.com/album/559322539UXctqG    <--Dead Betty  : )  photo
updates coming soon

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