[Roadsters] Car won't start after a minute running update

Keith0alan at aol.com Keith0alan at aol.com
Sat Aug 22 09:13:46 MDT 2009

There are two pistons. One for the carbs with the guide pin on the side and
 one for the carbs with the guide pin on the front. You may have mismatched
carbs  on the car. Remove the domes and pistons and check the carbs to see
where the  guide pins are. The little rubber bumper on the face of the pisto
n should rest  on the high area where the nozzle comes through. If it is
toward the front or  back then you have the wrong piston.

If after sorting through your carbs you find you have an incorrect one I do
 have some extras.

keith  williams

bIf  Not Us, Then Who? If Not Now, Then When?b

In a message dated 8/21/2009 1:55:55 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
dboerst at yahoo.com writes:

Well  well well,

Here's a new one for me. I replaced all the distributor  parts, nope not
that. Checked carbs seemed fine. Took off air cleaner and with  the car
running tried moving each choke/power piston. One was stuck. Figured  it was
old gas. Cleaned it and it moved freely. Fired the engine and it  stuck.
Then decided to swap choke/power pistons and the other carb the piston  stuck.
I examined each piston and they ARE different. I looked at my 1969 and  1970
1600 and one of the 1966 pistons were like the 69/70. There is a hole in
the bottom of the piston but in different spots. For an experiment I put a
small piece of gas resistant tubing where the is a actuator for the piston to
 hold it up so it(piston) does stick from the vacuum. starts instantly
every  time. Hows that for a weird one. Anyone have or know where I could get
the  correct piston? 1966 1600 engine with 610A carbs.  Thanks
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