[Roadsters] What is recommended for breaking rust loose
Vince Strazzabosco
vstrazzabosco at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 21 17:58:48 MDT 2009
I heard about this too and have been meaning to try some.
One other thing I
didn't mention is being able to use a hammer and punch, etc on the flats of
the stuck bolt to hit it straight on and let the shock break the bond. Again,
using plenty of penetrating whatever again and again. For some bolts, it
helps to scrape or clean the grime or loose rust away to allow better
--- On Fri, 8/21/09, Keith0alan at aol.com
<Keith0alan at aol.com> wrote:
> From: Keith0alan at aol.com <Keith0alan at aol.com>
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] What is recommended for breaking rust loose
> To:
tputland at charter.net, vstrazzabosco at yahoo.com, barterdude at comcast.net,
datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
> Date: Friday, August 21, 2009, 7:43 AM
> A 50-50 mix of ATF and acetone works great and is
> cheap. I
have a spray
> bottle of it in the shop. I have seen a couple of tests
where it works better
> than any commercial product.
> B
> keith
> ccfcccs
> http://www.clarkcountyferalcats.org
> b
> Not Us,
Then Who? If Not Now, Then When?b
> B
> In a message dated 8/20/2009
9:26:31 P.M. Pacific
> Daylight Time,
> tputland at charter.net writes:
> Hey
Vince, welll put and I say: AMEN BROTHER!!
> I am at the end of stripping
> a 69 2000 rust bucket.
> All I can add is this:B Be prepared to
replace every single nut and bolt you cannot get apart
> easily. If it is
rusted...the metal has expanded...and will no longer be
> usable.
> Belleville, WI.
> Still clueless but always
> ---- Vince Strazzabosco <vstrazzabosco at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> =============
> Kroil, PB Blaster, propane torch heat, careful
breaking loose with wrenches
> and sockets that fit well, patience, patience,
> patience.
> vince
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