[Roadsters] What is recommended for breaking rust loose

Fred Katz roadster at astound.net
Fri Aug 21 17:48:29 MDT 2009

As Vince said, use patience.

But, if you're in a hurry, drill out the bolt heads. I was in a hurry  
once at a pick-and-pull junkyard, going after fenders and other front- 
end parts. I brought a battery-powered portable drill, extra batteries  
and drill bits. Worked great, was done real fast. Of course you'll  
need new nuts and bolts.

Fred - So.SF
On Aug 20, 2009, at 7:24 PM, barterdude wrote:

> I am tackling restoration of a 1964 Fairlady I got out of  
> Pennsylvania and
> virtually every nut, bolt, screw, connecting device is RUSTED big  
> time.
> Wonder what you use to cut through the rust so we can get this  
> detached
> without having to bust everything in half?
> Suggestion appreciated.
> Gary Lasater
> founding member www.wycroc.org

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