[Roadsters] Wanted: late model clutch & brake hardlines

Pete Peters ppeters914 at comcast.net
Thu Aug 20 11:21:39 MDT 2009

We have a young gentleman (recently turned 16) with a '69 1600. One problem is the clutch & brake hard lines in the engine compartment have been pretty mangled by a PO. Hoping someone local in the Puget Sound area might have the lines. Another option is if someone attending this Saturday's Shed BBQ might have 'em, and one of our members can bring them back north saving packaging/shipping. 

What's needed (in good condition) are: 

Clutch master cylinder to clutch slave hose 
Brake master cylinder to firewall junction block (2 lines) 
Firewall junction block to front caliper hoses (2 lines) 



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