[Roadsters] the NEVER ENDING story

Stan Chernoff az589 at lafn.org
Tue Aug 18 12:25:52 MDT 2009


I remember that incident.  I removed a module from one of the EI 
roadster distributors that I had been building and sold it to 
Neil.  The modules are quite reliable but some failures are 
inevitable.  I recommend having a spare.  Avoid the modules that have 
extra connections on the side because they were made for a different 
application.  New modules from Nissan are pricey but probably have 
the best quality and reliability.  Used Nissan modules are also a good choice.


At 09:32 AM 8/18/2009, Neil Levine wrote:
>I've had the Gary Boone dizzy on my car for several years and it has
>performed well, but the control module failed on my unit a few years ago not
>too long after installing it.  Fortunately this happened at the Mt. Shasta
>meet where there were a number of kind folk who were able to help out and I
>was finally able to find a used good module to replace the bad one.  If I
>wasn't able to find this used one from one of our vendors at a reasonable
>price, I was going to have to purchase a new one from a local car parts
>store for what I remember was around $175 and would have had to wait a day
>for it.
>So let's just say that I now carry a spare module with me just in case.  I
>don't know how often these things might fail, I may have had the only one
>ever, but sometimes it pays to worry just a little :-).
>'66 1600

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