[Roadsters] Old Gas

Jim Gammon gtpjimgammon at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 17 09:26:20 MDT 2009

Being a fuel cleanliness specialist, I can advise you that it is usually a
fungus that lives in  water, eats fuel and releases various sulpher based
compounds, all smelly. Any condensation will do, from the tinyest droplet. The
spores are in the air. It usually eats oils from plant and animal waste, but
likes fuel as well.
There are additives that kill the microbes, but the waste still stinks.
2k 69

--- On Sun, 8/16/09, Toby B <RacerY at comcast.net> wrote:

From: Toby B <RacerY at comcast.net>
Subject: [Roadsters] Old Gas
To: datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 11:52 PM

Jeeze, yeah, that stuff stinks- there's some organism that gets into it...

Whatever you do, don't get it on you, because you'll stink for days.

If you have just a little, I've burned it in the car.
If there's more than 5 gallons or so, I'd give it to hazmat-
again, that stuff's nasty!

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