[Roadsters] the NEVER ENDING story

Ed Mitchell edmitche at gmail.com
Sun Aug 16 12:13:35 MDT 2009

Ok..Dead Betty...once again DEAD  {~*Pout*~}


I installed a Pertronix Electronic Ignition.do-ma-hitchie


And now it seems my coil blew up.  Dunno if I have the wrong coil for use
with the pertronix thang


Coil is a diamond FTM-063GT 12v  (looks like this thing -->)


I noticed while installing the Pertronix Electronic Ignition...they also had
pertronix coils identified on a small pamphlet.but I "assumed" they we're
basically wanting me to buy more of their products.


So I guess the question is.will any Datsun 1600 spec'd coil work with the
Pertronix Elec. Ign.?




(or it's a drinking game to drink whenever pertronix is mentioned) (OMG -
how many more time could I possibly mention Pertronix?)




Thanks for any info



Ed Mitchell

Las Cruces New Mexico



1967.5 Datsun Roadster 1600 - SPL311-12761





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