[Roadsters] oil pressure guage

Ronnie Day ronnie.day at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 19:26:02 MDT 2009


I don't trust 40 year old gauges or sending units, plus the small
gauges in my '70 are hard to read at a glance anyway, so I added
AutoMeter 2 5/8 Phantom series mechanical water temp and oil pressure
gauges. I mounted them in a two gauge plate on the passenger side of
the dash support at the front on the console.

I like the gig gauges and the 270 sweep because it lets you just
glance down to see if the needles are in the correct area. You seldom
need to actually read them. That said, the car seldom gets above 190,
even on the hottest days here in central Texas (Lord knows we've had
more than our share of those this year), and the hot idle oil pressure
is a solid 10 to 12 psi. Try reading that on a stock style gauge! If I
decide to keep the car and redo it I've considered building a custom
flat dash modeled on the early car but using modern, accurate gauges.

IIRC, the oil pressure gauge came with several compression fitting and
one screwed right in. I was getting ready to drill and tap the
thermostat housing for the mechanical water temp sensor and asked the
manger at the local O'Reilly's if he had any adapters. He had a couple
sets from a company called Equus (iequus.com). A set with smaller
fitting like you need for oils and a larger set which included a piece
that let me just screw in the water temp probe into the original hole.
Either set is under $10, IIRC.

All that said, you might be starving your engine for oil. In high G
turns the oil might literally be pushed against the side of the pan
leaving the pick up sucking air. Not a desirable circumstance.
Regardless you need good, accurate gauges.


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