[Roadsters] seat belts

gregs672liter at netzero.net gregs672liter at netzero.net
Fri Aug 7 01:08:36 MDT 2009

Hi gang, as so often happens when people post parts to the list, it results in
a barrage of emails with interest.  To keep it fair, the first person to
respond was Steve Wells (in 6 minutes!), followed by Tom Hendricks.  Steve has
expressed interest, while Tom has said he would buy.  Several more of you are
in similar categories.  So Steve, since you were first it is in your court.
If you do not want them, then Tom is next up and so on.  I like to keep this
public and fair (I remember the feeding frenzy that occured when I gave away
my front brake calipers and stuff on the list!).  I'm not going to do a
bidding war, as to me that is not fair (i.e. if someone wants to pay the $40,
I won't be asking for $50.  At the same time, if someone wants to offer me $30
and I have someone who will give me the original $40 I asked, then the $40
wins... seem fair?).
I await your response Steve :-)
Hope everyone is cool with this...
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