[Roadsters] cooling the intake?

Daryl Smith drlsmith at dccnet.com
Sun Aug 2 11:12:41 MDT 2009

I concur with Mike Hudson,
It sounds like the ignition coil overheating. Borrow a new(ish) coil and see 
if that fixes the problem.

I also agree with Pete that water through the manifold is a good thing.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Mitchell" <edmitche at gmail.com>

> Ok...Dead Betty ROLLS  :-)  Sadly I look like a bobble head in a clown car
> driving it around with my 6'2" frame.(I'm blaming it in length...not 
> girth)
> freakin' head sticks up 6" over the short windshield.(it's a midlife 
> crisis
> gone bad) (do I get a "Do-Over"?)
> But.I digress.
> She runs for like 30\45 minutes...then it leaves me stranded
> It feels like vapor lock...like she's struggling to get air or fuel.so I 
> put
> an electric fuel pump on.(as if that's a cure).and shortened my tubing to
> the carbs.but still.being left stranded 'till she cools down.  (darn
> redheads)
> My operating temp is roughly at 190deg.and I did modify ('cause I'm such 
> the
> genius) the water pipes to the intake.actually.I omitted them.  As I did 
> the
> interior heater box.
> Is it possible I'm getting too much heat at the carbs?  Is that water flow
> thru the intake manifold necessary?  And this is indeed my problem?
> Any input would be greatly appreciated
> Thanks
> Ed Mitchell

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