[Roadsters] Image of the month - Ferrari GTO and Fairlady 1500

DatsunDoc at aol.com DatsunDoc at aol.com
Wed Sep 24 17:47:10 MDT 2008

The 1500 is Jim Glabicky and the car has a 2000 drive train in it. I talked  
to him at the Watkins Glen SVRA race a couple of weeks ago about that race  
pictured. He said that GTO is unrestored and therefore one of the most valuable  
on the planet. He said it was an amazing car and it made him nervous to be  
racing with it. I understand, I had a similar feeling dicing with a Porsche 904 
 when I was driving a 510 one time.
BTW- for you Virginia or North Carolina Roadster owners. SVRA is holding a  
vintage race at VIR this weekend in Danville VA. A nice country drive to get to 
 one of the most beautiful and challenging tracks in the country. If you show 
up,  look for my red 240Z in the paddock.
Mike Unger
In a message dated 9/24/2008 5:49:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
matthews517 at earthlink.net writes:
I think  the Datsun is blurred because he's passing the Ferrari like he's
standing  still. HAHAHAHA!

-----Original Message-----
From:  datsun-roadsters-bounces+matthews517=earthlink.net at autox.team.net
[mailto:datsun-roadsters-bounces+matthews517=earthlink.net at autox.team.net]
On  Behalf Of oliver
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 3:19 PM
To:  Datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net; RoadsterGB at aol.com
Subject: Re:  [Roadsters] Image of the month - Ferrari GTO and Fairlady 1500

first of  all, the datsun's blurred.  what's up with that?

and no, i think  the ferrari is passing the datsun

--- On Wed, 9/24/08,  RoadsterGB at aol.com <RoadsterGB at aol.com> wrote:

From:  RoadsterGB at aol.com <RoadsterGB at aol.com>
Subject: [Roadsters] Image of  the month - Ferrari GTO and Fairlady 1500
To:  Datsun-roadsters at autox.team.net
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008, 1:05  PM

This month's image is a great photo taken by Eric Rosendahl of a  1500
passing a Ferrari GTO.

Click the link from  _www.datsun.org/fairlady/intro.htm_

Greetings  from England - Rob
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