[Roadsters] OT: PL411 FS in Modesto, CA

Pete Peters ppeters914 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 3 18:51:31 MDT 2008

Yep, except Adam's was a '67 RL411, which had the R16 motor.

Nice car, but 411's just don't pull that kind of money.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "O'Farrell, Fergus" <Fergus.OFarrell at ngc.com>
> Decent looker found, no connection with seller.  PL means 1300 cc J
> series engine, yes?  (with these wheels it almost looks like Adam
> Bradley's old car)
> http://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/cto/822113996.html
> Fergus O, 69 2000 in hiding

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