[Roadsters] grounded starter--different question
tputland at charter.net
Sun Oct 19 11:26:45 MDT 2008
I never had the engine out of this car. It was running fine at the beginning of last summer (08). It was the brakes that were bad. I never had the time to deal with them. Once I started to work on the brakes about three weeks ago, the car would not start. This is when I noticed the negative battery cable was run to the smog pump bracket by the PO.
I ran the neg cable to the frame, ran a ground strap from the front of the engine to the frame and another strap from the starter to the frame and she fired right up.
But why would she still run the way she was set up before?
Belleville, WI.
Still clueless but always learning
---- Pat <Pat at HorneSystemsTx.com> wrote:
Did you possibly move the battery ground cable from the engine to the
body when you put the engine back in?
Thusly spake Tim:
> Once I got the starter grounded to the frame, she fired right up. And no, I never did run a ground strap from the positive lead into the starter, I just could not see any other bolts at that time. I was not really "looking" at the starter correctly--AGAIN, read the last line in my signature.
> Here is my "different question":
> Why is it that the car used to start, and quite easily, this past summer, with NO gound from the starter to the frame? Then once I had time to address the brakes last month, the starter would no longer turn the motor??
> Thanks
> Getting a little less clueless every day!
> Tim
> Belleville, WI.
> Still clueless but always learning
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Pat Horne, Owner, Horne Systems (512) 797-7501
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