[Roadsters] Datsuns in print

Paul 9laser3 at bright.net
Mon Nov 24 16:40:44 MST 2008

  I had the car numbers wrong, but Rob figured it out; Road Atlanta!  The
track changed quite a bit between then and my first visit back in 2002.


-----Original Message-----

To: Paul
Subject: Re: [Roadsters] Datsuns in print

Hi Paul

I've never seen this pic or book but although the numbers may be wrong, I'm
guessing it's the start of the 1971 DP runoffs at Road Atlanta. The
white/red ex- BRE Datsun of Bob McQueen #63 qualified first, the
yellow/black #93 2000 of Dave Frellsen second and the white/blue ex-BRE car
#83 of Gene Felton third. There were another nine 2000s in the field. 

But I could be wrong!



------Original Message------
From: Paul
Sender: datsun-roadsters-bounces at autox.team.net
To: 'datsun-roadsters'
Sent: 24 Nov 2008 22:49
Subject: [Roadsters] Datsuns in print

  Looking through over 500 books donated this weekend at my church's thrift
store, I found "Road Racing" , Nicole Puleo, Lerner Publications, 1973.  On
page 43, a photo credited to Karl Knutsen, at an unknown track, shows a SCCA
grid just getting reading for the green flag.  The first three cars are
roadsters; white/blue #43, yellow/black number ?, and a white/red #83?  Five
more roadsters are further back in the pack.

  Nothing in writing about Datsuns.  The writing is a pretty tame
explanation of rolling starts (..much better for engines to build up speed
gradually) and then what flags mean what.  Book also has a few Trans-AM and
CAN-AM photos in it.  One more book for my collection!



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