[Roadsters] Final report on Chris Bond's Cars

Mike Harper roadsterdude1600 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 23 07:25:49 MST 2008

The trailer sold for $1,400.00. There were no bids exceeding the posted reserves on the cars, so I will post Victor Bond's e-mail and phone numbers here so you can contact him to negotiate the purchase of either car. Some people have expressed interest in things like the hardtop only, or the spare engine, etc., and you can certainly make offers on those things if you like. My part is pretty much done, so please contact Victor for further negotiation. Thanks for bidding!

Contact Victor Bond: vbond at lamar.com Cell: 317-431-0158, Office: 317-484-0396

You can still link to the pictures and descriptions at:

Thanks again, Mike

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